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Trail Runs - BV Carnage
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Visitors: 294382
49 Photos         1 Videos

I have always wanted to run this trail but just never got the chance. This trail is definately an extreme 4x4 trail. It is located roughly 2.5 hrs southwest of Denver in the scenic Buena Vista area.

We had Captain Crunch join us for the fun along with Chris, Daren, Dale and Anthony. Chris snapped an axle on the "V obstacle/Can Opener" so while he fixed his stuff Captian and I finished the trail real quick and came back down a side trail back to the trailers. The exit was fun and captain and I made it out with no assistance.

I ran back up to Chris to see how he was doing and Dale appearantly lost a link mount. I offered to run tools, welders to them. I think I made 3 trips up/down the mountain with the buggy! Definately fun doing this trail several times! We got everyone fixed but the day was almost over and we headed back down to the trailers. At least I was able to see this trail entirely with Captain. It was extremely fun!

BV Carnage - Captain Crunch in the V Notch

This V is pretty cool and is about 1/2 the way up. The buggies made this one look easy!

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Entrance Sign The Entrance to BV Carnage Chris playing around the night before Chris playing around the night before Chris in the Buggy Dale at the Entrance Captain on the Rock Captain getting lined up at the V Notch Captain Crunch in the V Notch Chris in the V Notch Anthony in the Buggy

BV Carnage
Size: 6 min
There is some good crawling at the entrance and one huge rock to climb over. The V notch obstacle looks way cool with all the trees overhanging. I didn't get any video of Captain Crunch and myself doing the last half of this trail...we were having too much fun to stop!!

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