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Carnage Canyon
Carnage Canyon -

Holy Cross
Holy Cross -

Pritchet Canyon
Pritchet Canyon - Rock Pile

Truck Modifications - October 12, 2004

  • 14" Bilstein Shocks
  • New shock hoops

With the new Slee 6" springs I got around 3" more travel and needed new longer shocks. I looked around and asked a few friends what they used and Bilsteins were the answer. The problem with mounting the Bilsteins is they have eye connectors on both ends as opposed to the OME L Shocks which had an eye connector and a post on the other end. So I decided to make some custom mounts to mount up the upper eye fitting. I unbolted the upper shock mount plate and made my own hoop that extended above the screw holes instead of below. With the 3" body lift I had tons of room above plus it still gave me plenty of up travel until it would hit the stops.

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