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Gillespie/Castle Gulch
Gillespie/Castle Gulch -

Billings Canyon
Billings Canyon -

Red Cone
Red Cone - Red Cone 1 8.5MB

Truck Modifications - December 31, 2004

  • Modified Front Shock Mounts

After removing the front shocks and taking measurments I realized that at full compression I wasn't even coming close to the minimum L shock distance. To fully utilize the L shock I decided to move down my front shock mounts about 5" so I could increase my droop in the front and still get the same amount of compression. The OME L shocks are great shocks but with the Slee 6" front springs they just aren't long enough. I wasn't ready to upgrade to the nice dual resevoir Bilsteins ($$$) so I simply moved down the upper shock mount and reused my existing shocks. I still get plenty of compression and the droop is just what I was looking for to better match my rear flex.

I took a piece of my kids play-do and made a mold of the area as a template and cut 2 pieces of 3/16" steel to match and welded them in place. So far I'm only seeing slight bending of the piece after a hard run so I think it will hold up just fine.

Amount of flex Before and After

While this solution works out great it is only a temporary fix. I plan on using the factory mount position later on when I can afford some longer 14" shocks.

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