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Crown Point
Crown Point -

Seven Mile/Moody
Seven Mile/Moody -

Golden Spike
Golden Spike - Golden Spike 1 11.3MB

Truck Modifications - January 11, 2005

  • 40" MTR's!!

I finally went for it :) I sold most of my old junk to pay for these monsters. Ben Swain from Slee Offroad told me of a GoodYear shop that had some 40's that they wanted to get rid of. These things go for around $400 ea most places but I snagged them for $325 ea. Balancing was about 2x as good at my SSR radials. Most of the tires required only 5oz on the balancer but one needed 11oz. I had TDS in Fort Collins do the mounting and balancing. They did a pretty good job.

I always wanted to know how much more the 40" MTR weighs compared to a 37" SSR and I was surprised to find out they both came in within 1 lb of each other!! They both wieghed in at 87 lbs. My custom steel wheels from True Design Wheel were 35 lbs ea.

I had to cut a little from the front fender area to allow for full left/right steering. I haven't cut any from the rear yet but I know it will need a little for full stuffing of the rear tires.

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