April 20, 2002 We had so much fun at Left Hand canyon that we decided to do it one more time! This time my brother Corwyn and Jay came along for the fun. Here is the trail head where we aired down. We decided to head up the river obstacles first so we all took turns getting over the first obstacle. Jay broke his front left axle trying to get over which was a bummer but that didn't stop him...we continued up the trail. I felt a little crazy and tried taking some of the more tougher obstacles like this huge rock! I ended up winching myself over this one cause my tires couldn't get a good bite because of all the water and mud. Later at the Playground we all messed around and had a blast! Jay broke his other front axle while we were playing around! And broke the pin holding his front axle to his leaf springs. We all pitched in and secured his front axle back in place and he was good to go.