June 22, 2002 Kelly Flats
The entrance of Kelly is enough to keep the average vehicle off the trail but can be passed if you position your vehicle just right. With the right equipment (lockers :) the trail is a piece of cake.
Above is the entrance gate to Kelly Flats. On the right is "Heart Attack Hill". We had no problems at all conquering the hill. Steep at times but nothing to get your heart pumping :) Up the trail there is a killer area called "The Schutes" which is the toughest I have seen yet. Of 6 jeeps that were there only 3 attempted it. And only 2 made it through. The jeep below completely lost it's right wheel as it shattered under the stress of his V8 engine.
Did I attempt it? You bet!! The Toyota almost didn't make it through because I only have rear lockers. The crowd that was there were just baffled that I made it through yet alone attempted it. Go Toyota!!! Near Kelly Flats there is another trail called 7 Mile Road which is full of cool caves like the one above. Next time we are up there we are gonna bring some lights to explore these caves.